Wicked Leak has added another Android tablet to its line up, after the launch of its Wammy 7, earlier this month. The Wammy Plus, an upgraded version of its predecessor, runs Android 4.0 (ICS) and features a 7" capacitive 5-point multi-touch screen with pixel dimensions of 800x480. Powered by a 1.2 GHz CPU with 512 MB RAM, it features 4 GB internal memory and a microSD slot that can support up to 32 GB. The Wi-Fi connectivity option is available by default, while a SIM slot allows 3G internet. This also allows you to make phone calls and send text messages. A front VGA camera has been provided for video chat, while a rear camera is also present to take photos.
In addition to being capable of playing 1080p videos, it is claimed that the tablet can also support dual-screen display mode. Being an Android tablet, you can obviously install a multitude of free and paid apps from Google Play, for added value. Additional features include USB-OTG, gyroscope, HDMI, and mic \ earphone sockets. The specs mention that a 3000 mAh Li-ion battery provides up to 5 hours of backup. The Wicked Leak Wammy Plus is available for Rs 11,500, which makes it twice as expensive as the Wammy 7.